About Tatry
Briefly about Tatry
Tatry is a retrieval system that democratizes access to premium content while ensuring fair compensation for creators. Our platform combines the power of standard knowledge bases with curated premium content, making high-quality information accessible through simple API calls.
Core Offerings
We provide seamless access to two types of content sources:
- Premium Content: Carefully curated, high-quality information from verified publishers and content creators
- Standard Knowledge Bases: Complete integration with Wikipedia, PubMed, arXiv, and other major public datasets
Learn more about our content sources
How It Works
graph LR
Query[User Query] --> Process[Query Processing]
Process --> Analyze[Source Analysis]
Analyze --> Premium[Premium Sources]
Analyze --> Standard[Standard Sources]
Premium --> Combine[Result Aggregation]
Standard --> Combine
Combine --> Return[Optimized Results]
Return --> Track[Usage Tracking]
Our system operates through three core stages:
Query Understanding: Your input is analyzed to determine the most relevant information sources. See how we process queries
Smart Source Selection: Our algorithm intelligently balances between premium and standard sources to optimize for both quality and cost. Learn about source selection
Fair Usage Tracking: Every interaction is monitored to ensure accurate billing and fair compensation to content creators. Understanding our billing model
Access Options
API Integration for Businesses
Transform your applications with our knowledge graph integration. We offer:
- RESTful API with comprehensive documentation
- Python SDK for seamless integration
Explore our API integration guide
Next Steps
- Try our platform with example queries
- Review the complete API Reference
- Explore our content sources
- Understand our billing model